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Subliminal Downloads

Slave Girl Subliminal Programs

Download these Subliminal MP3 programs for training your Slave Girl in submission and obedience.

Suitable Slave Thinking – Subliminal

Using this program your girl will want to be your Slave and will behave and think accordingly.

She will learn to behave for you.

Slave’s cock-sucker – Subliminal

You can use this program as influence over your girl’s willingness to suck cock, giving you pleasure with a blow job and swallowing your cum.

Slavery is My Life – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will accept the idea that she is a slave.

Slavery will become her purpose.
Her purpose will be to serve her Master.
Her purpose will be to make you happy.

For the Master who wants to train a more willing slave girl.

Slave Girl Boundaries – Subliminal

You can use this subliminal program to enforce boundaries on your slave girl.

Sex Slave – Subliminal

Using this program she will accept her role as your sex slave.

She will see herself as your sex toy for you.

Respectful Compliance – Subliminal

Any Master who wants to make his girl respectfully compliant should use this program.

Respectful Behavior – Subliminal

Use this program to help you train your slave girl to become more respectful.

Relying On My Master – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will learn to rely on her Master.

Obedient Slave – Subliminal

Using this program your girl will become more behaved and pleasing to your needs.

She will want to be obedient for you.

No Rights or Freedom – Subliminal

Strip your girl of her rights and freedom using this program.

She will soon accept that she is your property, with no rights or freedom, seeing you as her owner.

No Limit Slave Girl – Subliminal

This program will help her become comfortable with the idea of giving into a TPE (Total Power Exchange) relationship wanting to become a slave girl with no limits and giving up all control.

As she learns to accept this lifestyle, she will see you as her Master.

She will free her mind of limits becoming non-resistant to you and letting you plan her future.

My Slave Girl’s Cleaning Habits – Subliminal

This program will give your Slave Girl the willingness to learn and accept her cleaning skills.

She will find satisfaction in caring for the household.

My Schedule – Subliminal

Have you thought about putting your girl on a schedule?

She will learn to do what she is told when following a schedule.

Using this program she will learn to perform the tasks you assign to her on a set schedule.

My Owner is My Master – Subliminal

Having your Girl use this subliminal program will teach her to see you as her Master.

Within time she will accept you as her Master.

My Masters Happiness – Subliminal

The Happiness subliminal program is back in a whole new recording.  For the Master who wants a happy Slave Girl.

She will be happy to please you.
She will feel free when she gives up control.
She will want to do anything for you.

My Master is Superior – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will learn to accept that her Master is superior.

She will think men are superior.
She will love her Master.
She will obey her Master.

My Master is My Identity – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program you will be able to mold your Slave Girl’s identity into an obedient servant.

She will devote her time to you.
She will give herself to you.
She will see you as part of her identity.

She will learn to accept that you’re apart of who she is.

My Master is My Decision Maker – Subliminal

Using this program you will be able to make all her decisions. She will learn to depend you as you make decisions for her.

Go slow using this program and you have a well trained girl.

My Master is In Charge – Subliminal

Use this subliminal she’ll learn that you are the one in charge.

She will learn to obey you.
She will want you to control her.

My Future – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will see her Master as her future.

She will let you be in control of her life.
She will want her Master to take care of her.

My Assistant – Subliminal

Using this subliminal you can make just about any girl into your Assistant.

Masters Pet – Subliminal

This program will influence your girl to become your pet.

She will want to become a loving little pet for you.

Masters Opinion – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will see your opinions as more important than her own.

This program will influence her so she will accept her Master’s opinions.

I will obey – Subliminal

A strong training tool, this wonderful subliminal will make it easy for her to accept your wants and needs.

She will want to serve and obey you.
She will allow you to choose and decide what is best for her.
She will honor you and obey you.

I Trust My Master – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program your Slave Girl will easily learn to trust you.

Well, she’s listening to this Subliminal MP3 remember open communication is essential for building trust in any Master and Slave relationship but this program will just make things easier.

Within time she will want to trust you.
She will feel compelled to trust you.

I Have No Rights or Privacy – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will want to have no rights or privacy of her own.

She will learn to accept that she has no privacy or rights.
She will learn to accept that she is a slave girl.
She will learn to accept that she is a slave to her Master.

I am Submissive for My Master – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program will encourage your Slave girl to be submissive.

She will want to be submissive for her Master.
She will believe she was born submissive.

I am nothing – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will think that she is nothing without you.

She will see herself as nothing without her Master.

Serving you will become her purpose.

I am a Slut – Subliminal

The I am a Slut program will give your girl the belief that she is Master’s slut making her his slave girl.

I am a Slave Girl – Subliminal

This program will give her the confidence the idea of wanting to become a slave girl.

She will want to be a slave girl for you.

She will want to be a good girl for you.

I am a Servant – Subliminal

This program will give her the confidence the idea of wanting to become a slave girl.

She will want to be a slave girl for you.

She will want to be a good girl for you.

God Approves of Slavery – Subliminal

In ancient Bible texts, God approves of submissive slavery. However, rules governing slavery can’t be found in the New Bible Testaments.

Therefore we must recognize that the Bible does not say God supports slavery, but he does approve of servants in the term of a slave.

Using this program she will find a purpose in being your slave through the support and eyes of God.

That all girls are servants in the home.

Forming a Slave’s Mind – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will have the desire to become your slave girl.

She will learn to do anything for you.
She will accept slavery as her freedom.

Feminine Dress Code For Master – Subliminal

This program will influence her feminine thoughts. Wanting to be attractive for you, she will wear feminine clothes that meet your approval.

Decision Maker – Subliminal

Using this program you will be able to make all her decisions. She will learn to depend you as you make decisions for her.

Go slow using this program and you have a well trained girl.

Caretaker – Subliminal

Using this subliminal program she will see you as her Master.

She will see you as her caretaker and be secure with you watching over her. As she becomes your slave, she will want to cater to her Master’s every need and comfort, providing him immense personal satisfaction.

All you have to do is train her!

Break Up – Subliminal

If you want your slave girl to disassociate herself from her family and friends this is the program for you.

The break up program is something you should go slow with when easing her away from those she knew.

She will grow to love you and accept you as her new family and becoming your slave girl.

Accepting Slavery – Subliminal

This subliminal program will influence a girls thoughts wanting to accept the idea of slavery.

She will come to accept slavery as a way of life.

Accepting Her Slave Collar – Subliminal

Depending on how far you want to go with her this program will make it so she’ll want to accept wearing a slave collar.

She will become comfortable with the idea of wearing a collar around her neck.

A Happy Slave Girl – Subliminal

This subliminal will help any new or existing slave improve her happiness toward her slavery.

She will find pleasure in your happiness.

24/7 Masters Home – Subliminal

Use this program to keep your girl isolated in your home.

Willing to accept her isolation as part of her slave training, she will become secure living in her Master’s home.